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Welcome to the Reporting Channel of DF Deutsche Fiskal

Our Reporting Channel

For the DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH, it is a top priority that applicable laws, rules and regulations as well as internal provisions are complied with. It is therefore of great importance to DF that any potential wrongdoing be detected as early as possible so that it can be remedied, and where necessary, further consequences may be drawn from it.

Accordingly, in compliance with EU Directive 2019/1937, the so-called Whistleblowing Directive, we have set up a reporting channel with an external provider. This allows anyone to report information in various ways while retaining their anonymity.

The aim of this reporting channel is to draw the company’s attention to possible serious breaches of regulations or the law. This primarily refers to violations that have the potential to damage the reputation or financial interests of DF or, indirectly, of our business partners. In particular, this includes violations of human rights, fair competition and environmental protection. Please note that a report of product defects, product malfunctions or warranty or guarantee cases is not valid via this reporting channel.

Click here to access the our reporting channel operated by GK Group.


In addition, you also have the possibility to submit reports in the following ways:

  • Via E-Mail: compliance[at]deutsche-fiskal.de
  • Via Phone: +49 30 20 658 1660
  • Via Postal Mail: DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH, Hinweisgeber-Office, Friedrichstr. 204, 10117 Berlin

For reports made through these channels, your anonymity cannot be ensured by us and their processing is not carried out in accordance with EU Directive 2019/1937.


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